World Environment Day 2020

We celebrate together our wonderful home, mother earth. The only home we will ever have. Even though the planet is of such majestic beauty, full of wonder, and life, we often do not cherish it enough. Now more than ever, the earth is sending us an urgent message: Take care of your only home, and all living beings inhabiting it! That is why we celebrate together the world environment day 2020.

In the last few months, life changed drastically for people around the world but also for nature. More than ever, we have to stand up for any injustice that is taking place, including taking care of our beautiful home earth.

What exactly is the impact of COVID-19 on our planet?

  1. Coronavirus pandemic’s impact on carbon emissions

To prevent and contain COVID-19 from spreading, many people around the globe stayed at home. This lockdown caused a steep decline in traveling and economic activity worldwide. As a consequence, 40% less domestic air traffic and 67 million fewer air passengers were reported. Moreover, the improved air quality in China may have saved the lives of 4000 children under the age of five. Even though those improvements sound promising, this dip in carbon emission will most likely be not long-lasting.

What do we do at Teresa´s orphanage?

The children in Teresa´s orphanage either walk to school or use their bikes. Unfortunately, not many children have their own bikes yet. If you want to support our children in reaching school faster, in an environmentally friendly way, you can donate a bike for only 100 Euros 

  1. Coronavirus pandemic’s impact on waste

Sadly, the corona epidemy led to a vast demand for disposable medical products, such as single-use gloves, and masks. The United Nations predicts that by 2050 there will be even more plastic in the ocean than fish. Moreover, lockdown led to an increase in online shopping, which also involves much waste. Hopefully, this increase in waste will decrease after COVID-19 again.

What do we do in Teresa´s orphanage?

We plan to cultivate the garden of the orphanage since Teresa´s dream is that the orphanage will be self-sustainable one day. This would automatically lead to a decrease in waste since, e.g., no plastic bags for grocery shopping are anymore needed. If you want to support this project, you can, for instance, donate a native tree for only 5 Euros.

Sometimes, we are overwhelmed by the happenings of the world and feel powerless. In those moments, we should remember Teresa and what she had already achieved as a single woman. Each of us has the power to do something to protect our magnificent home. Every little step counts. Let us together work for a beautiful future for each living being on this planet.

“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu