Through Covid-19, we are all currently dealing with major challenges, not only in our private but also in our professional lives. Small businesses (primarily the self-employed) are particularly dependent on financial help from the state. And we, even as a nonprofit organisation, also face great challenges.

In these uncertain times, it is understandable that the willingness to donate is declining. In particular, we noticed that personal sponsorships have dropped significantly. Because of Corona, our fundraising events can only take place online. But mostly, personal contact with our supporters is essential to us. As a young association, we depend on support to make our work better known and to be able to plan new projects.

Luckily, with our great team members, we have come up with the following strategies to tackle the obstacles in times of Corona. 


Six Strategies for Success in LittleBigDreams during During Corona:

1) Keeping our members, sponsors, and supporters informed about the orphanage and the latest developments! This helps to ensure that our work and new projects continue to be remembered.

2) Increase the presence on social media! Since in-person fundraising events cannot occur, we must increase our social media visibility to attract new supporters.

3) Should not neglect the team members of LittleBigDreams! It is essential to treat each other with respect within our team and to strengthen our community. Therefore, we talk openly about challenges, support each other, and meet regularly in online meetings.

4) Set goals for the future! This means that plans and projects are planned now so that they can be tackled immediately after the crisis.

5) Set up a financial plan! This creates an overview of our work and future projects.

6) Adapt our association work in Europe and on the ground in Vietnam to the Corona rules and learn to deal flexibly with different situations. We have to deal with the measures and changes and adapt our work spontaneously.

It is a difficult time for many of us. Therefore, it is now crucial not to lose hope and to learn to look with confidence into the future. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your generous support. Without you, dreams would just be dreams. Together, we can fulfil dreams and dream even bigger.

Together, we will make it through this challenging time!