Like many of you, we found ourselves at home due to the Covid-19 measures. Lots of us have been feeling worried and helpless about the situation. We, from LittleBigDreams e. V. have the privilege to work and study from home, but we still have some spare time on our hands. The intention we set for the upcoming months is to be mindful, creative, kind, not only to the world around us but also to ourselves. We set up a list of intentional activities, resources, and ideas for you, your friends, and your family to spend your time with during these difficult times. 

Feel #allthefeels

This time can be full of struggle for many of us. Being socially isolated, worrying about loved ones, finding it hard to balance work and life, or arranging ourselves with staying in with our families or roommates 24/7. We might need community more than ever at the moment. The feelosophy has created such a community that supports you with wonderful online classes (5$) with check-in questions, soothing flows, and guaranteed laughs. Other than that, the feelosophy has created content that teaches you the art of self-massage. If you crave for one-on-one contact, don’t hesitate to schedule a private class. 

Follow top-league university courses

Always wondered what it would be like to study Business, Medicine, or Art? Even Ivy League universities have created over 450 online courses that you can currently benefit from for free. Ivy League schools, like Harvard, Brown, Yale, and Columbia, are highly competitive and difficult to get into. But now is your chance to study what you have always been curious about! Check the courses out on ClassCentral.

Get artsy

The artist Kim Krans gives live classes on Instagram with her motto #drawthefeeling. It’s not about being great at drawing; it’s about using art as a tool for expression and communication. Also, it’s the perfect time to create a new Pinterest board. 

Stay mindful & fit

Did you know you can wash your hands mindfully? Headspace offers videos and podcasts on how to do it and many other things. If you would like to be mindful together, @opelyoga holds space for you. She offers amazing video calls that range from coaching to private yoga or mediation sessions. Opelyoga offers sessions from 30-60 minutes and all of it stands under the motto #paywhatyoufeel. Another lovely feed with instructions on meditation, mindful running, loving-kindness meditation can be found on @kait.hurley. Another great resource is her 14-day free trial on her app Run Free with guided runs and meditation sessions to challenge your brain and body. We also recommend her app Kait Hurley: Move+ Meditate. It is there for you whenever you need to blow off steam or take time for yourself. The app entails the categories of high intensity, running, restorative, and mediation.

Follow art-tours all over the world

Take a virtual trip to the Musée d’Orsay in Paris or the National Museum of Contemporary Art in South Korea while getting comfortable on your couch. Many museums have started to offer astonishing free virtual tours.

Introspect and seek happiness & meaning

Enjoy personal growth programs with science-based tools and deep human connection. The free App 29k follows the motto “The solution isn’t out there. It’s within.” and guides you through courses like self-compassion, resilience and stress, deepening relationships and values. We’re huge fans- try it out!

Enjoy a live concert

Be part of an amazing concert while keeping social distancing up. Numerous stars are self-isolating themselves as well and are creating home concerts and mini-performances on their social media accounts. 

Create a gofundme or fundly page

Pick your favorite project and upload your own fundraising page and share it with your friends, family, and colleagues or post it into your Instagram bio. Support us in building the bathrooms to create a better hygienic situation during times of corona, or collect funds for medicine and hygienic products for the children. Another idea is to fundraise for more chickens, pigs, and vegetable plants to enable the orphanage to be more self-sustainable. You could also fundraise for bicycles for the kids or the construction of the dormitory that we will start soon. That way, the children can all sleep inside protected from rain, snakes, and mosquitoes. Creating a gofundme or fundly page takes two minutes and can help immensely. 

Share our Instagram & Facebook page

Help us expand our reach on Instagram and Facebook and let others know that we’re here and need everyone’s support. We’re counting on you!

Get thrifty

Go on a treasure hunt in your own closet. Use the time and winnow your old books, electronics and clothes and sell them through eBay, Kleiderkreisel, Zalando wardrobe or wait until the corona situation has cleared to sell them on a vintage sale or flea market. Feel free to dedicate them to your favorite LittleBigDreams e. V. project.