Happiness is the overwhelming feeling when life feels good; you cannot help yourself but smile. Everyone wants to be happy, and everyone deserves to be happy. Hạnh phúc means happiness in Vietnamese, and today we celebrate the International Day of Hạnh Phúc. Today stands under the slogan: Happier when we are together! And there is no better way to describe it. When we help each other out in times of need and share our love, we will all feel a little happier after all. Today, let us celebrate our common humanity! 

For this particular day, we asked a few children in the orphanage: 

“What makes you happy?”

Y Niên

The seven-years-old Y Niên is incredibly happy and excited because she is finally getting the bike that she dreamed of for a long time. Since she suffers from medical conditions, it was very exhausting for her to walk the long way to school each day. As soon as the school starts again, she can now cycle to school. That is excellent facilitation for her. If you also want to bring a big smile to a face, take a look at our donation packages (internal link) and make a child´s dream come true. 

A Giang

A Giang is the smallest child at the orphanage. Because of the coronavirus, every one of the older children has to stay home. Therefore, A Giang is thrilled that he is getting so much extra attention and playtime at the moment. The girls in the orphanage cuddle, hold and help with taking care of him. Everyone adores him because of his incredible cuteness. A Giang is still looking for a sponsor. If you want to share a little love on the international day of happiness, consider sponsoring A Giang and supporting him while growing up. 

A Bât

A Bât is twelve years old and loves to play soccer whenever he can. Not only can he play now all-day-long soccer with the other children, but the weather is also beautiful. Therefore, he feels very excited. Consider sponsoring A Bât and make the smile on his face even brighter.

Wherever and whoever you are, let us remember today what we are happy and thankful for. Let us put smiles on each other´s faces, share our happiness with each other, and spread a little positivity. Let us all come together to celebrate the International Day of Hạnh Phúc!