Y Nhi

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2013

Age: 7 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Become a nurse

Needs: Backpack, sun-hat, better nutrition

Y Nhi has three siblings, and her family is impoverished. Unfortunately, her mother has a severe autoimmune disease and is therefore bedridden. Due to poor working conditions and missing health care support, her father is also sick a lot. Consequently, he cannot work most of the time.  Since nobody in her family could take care of Y Nhi anymore, she came to Teresa’s orphanage.

Until now, all the kids at the orphanage have to sleep in a single dormitory. On top of that, three children have to sleep in one bed. Therefore, Y Nhi gets the flu a lot. To prevent the children from infecting each other, it is essential to improve the hygienic condition at the orphanage. That is why we constructing new bathrooms at the moment and plan on building a second dormitory. Your donation to our charity can speed up these projects and can contribute to the health of all children. Unfortunately, Y Nhi has also an impaired immune system and, thus, requires particular nutritions.
Despite being separated from her family, Y Nhi is very joyful and creative. In her free time, she enjoys drawing and would, therefore, love to have crayons. Y Nhi dreams of becoming a nurse in the future. She knows that she has to study diligently to follow this dream. For the way to school, she needs urgently a sun hat and a backpack. You can choose between our various donation packages and, thus, help, for instance, to fulfill her dream of having her own bag. Moreover, you can sponsor Y Nhi. Thereby, you support her financially while growing up.

i would like to sponsor Y Nhi:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse