A Tre

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2008

Age: 13 years old

Dream: Farmer

Gender: Boy

Needs: Bike, Schoolbooks

Unfortunately, A Tre’s parents are too old to work and were, therefore, unable to support their son financially anymore. With a heavy heart, they decided to bring him to Teresa’s orphanage in Kon Tum. A Tre is still new in the big orphanage family and needs to get used to all the new faces and surroundings.

Since A Tre is exceptionally tidy, he is super excited about the bigger boys’ dormitory, which we build recently. In this new dormitory, finally, each boy can sleep in his own bed, has a closet to put their clothing and few belongings away. Additionally, this dormitory also provides much more privacy than the children had before. Click here to read more about this project. 

In his free time, A Tre loves to help with cooking and is very interested in how the dishes are made. Therefore, he is very excited to use plants growing in the orphanage garden to make delicious food for all children. He loves watching how the fruit grows and cannot wait for them to be big enough to be harvested. Consequently, he is super enthusiastic about expanding the cultivation of the garden and learning more about how to grow fruits and vegetables. A Tre dreams about becoming a farmer in the future because that would enable him to combine his passion for gardening with cooking.

Next to gardening, A Tre is also passionate about having farm animals. Therefore, he is very excited that there are pigs, chicken, rabbits, and dogs living at Teresa’s orphanage, and he loves helping taking care of them. On the one hand, the animals are supporting the orphanage financially, and on the other, they are crucial for the children to learn more about farming and how to treat animals with respect.

If you want to support A Tre in pursuing his passions while growing up, the best way is to become his personal sponsor. The monthly donation provides him with the necessary financial security he needs to continue his education and follow his dreams.

i would like to sponsor A Tre:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse