A The

Birthday: 2005

Age: 16 years old

Gender: Boy

Dream: Doctor

Needs: Books


A The´s story

Sadly, A The´s father died, and his mother suffers from a severe illness. In addition, his family is impoverished, which is why his mother could no longer financially care for her son. With a heavy heart, she decided to take A The to Teresa in the orphanage in Kon Tum.

How does he prefer to spend his free time?

A The loves to play soccer with the other children in his spare time. This also helped him to quickly make new friends at the orphanage. When he is not playing soccer, you can watch him helping Teresa in the garden. He enjoys feeding the pigs and chickens and watering the fruit trees and vegetables. Learn more about our essential gardening project, which contributes to the independence of the orphanage.

Although A The loves having so many friends in the big LittleBigDreams family, he sometimes finds the hustle and bustle too much. In these moments, he escapes the noise and sits down in a quiet place to read or let his thoughts run free. That is why he is especially looking forward to the new multifunctional room and the education building, which offer plenty of space and quiet places to read in peace. Click here to learn more about these great projects.

How can you best support him?

A Thes heart’s desire is to read new and exciting books. So far, the orphanage’s selection is still very small, and A The already knows almost all the stories. If you would like to help us fulfill A The’s wish, you can donate a LittleBigDreams set for just 25 Euros. This set contains only things that the children in the orphanage want from the bottom of their hearts – such as balls, books, and painting utensils.

What does he dream of?

Although it will be a few more years before A The finishes school, he already knows exactly what he wants to be. His dream is to work as a doctor to help his fellow human beings.

If you would like to help A The realize this dream one day, you can become his personal sponsor for just 93 cents a day. Through this sponsorship, you will support him while growing up and helping him grow up without financial worries.

i would like to sponsor A The:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse