The Girl’s Dormitory

Costs: 17.900€

The boys already have a new dormitory with four separate bedrooms, their own bathroom with two separate toilets, and a storage room. There is a small veranda in front of the dormitory where the children can spend time outdoors without getting wet when it rains. Also, the concrete floor prevents the children from entering the house with muddy shoes.

As you can imagine, the girls are quite jealous. They, of course, now have the old dormitory to themselves, but the old dormitory is not well isolated; in stormy times, it still rains inside, and in the winter, it is too cold at night to sleep there. Therefore, a new dormitory is planned for the girls, which will be similar to the boys’ dormitory but will be even bigger since more girls than boys live at the orphanage.

Each room is designed for 10 girls. Besides, the building has its own bathroom. Thus, the girls can go to the bathroom at night without walking through the garden as usual. The rooms will be equipped with bunk beds from the old dormitory and new shelves for shoes, books, and large closets.

What happens to the old dormitory?

The old dormitory could then be renovated, refurnished into a common room. It can then be used as a dining room, as well as for community purposes, singing, dancing, practicing English, and announcements. So far, the children eat outside, some of the children sit on tables, and the rest eats on the floor. The old dormitory is located right next to the kitchen, which makes it the ideal spot for a dining and common room.

I would like to sponser the girl´s dormitory:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse