Y Hà Ny

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2008

Age: 13 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Become a nurse

Needs: Bicycle, backpack, calculator

Sadly, Y Hà Ny’s father passed away shortly after she was born, and her mother was unable to take care of her anymore. For a short time, Y Hà Ny’s grandfather looked after her until he became too ill. Eventually, Y Hà Ny came to Teresa’s orphanage when she was only two years old.

Ever since, she dreams of becoming a nurse because the village, where Y Hà Ny is from, does not have doctors, nurses, nor a pharmacy. Therefore, the people who live there have to travel great distances to get medical care. When Y Hà Ny is older, she would like to move back to help and assist these people.

At the moment, Y Hà Ny has a severe skin infection. Therefore, we plan to build an infirmary in the future so that sick children can get the necessary medicine and treatment at the orphanage. Further, we hope that the infirmary will contribute to reducing the spread of illnesses among the children. Read here more about this critical project. 

Moreover, Y Hà Ny dreams of a proper backpack (15 Euros), a calculator, and a bike (45 Euros) because it takes her nearly an hour to walk to school. You can donate one of our various donation packages and, thereby, be a part of fulfilling one of Y Hà Ny’s dreams. Further, you can sponsor Y Hà Ny and support her financially while growing up.

i would like to sponsor Y Hà Ny:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse