Y Thoang

Birthday: 2008

Age: 13 years old

Gender: Girl


Needs: Bike, Schoolbooks


Y Thoang´s story

Y Thoang grew up in very poor circumstances. Unfortunately, her mother became very ill but could not afford medical treatment due to her financial situation. With a heavy heart she decided to bring her youngest daughter to Teresa in the orphanage. Y Thoang has been living in the orphanage for a short time and still has to get used to her new home.

How does she prefer to spend her free time?

In her spare time Y Thoang loves to dance and sing with all the other children. But sometimes all the hustle and bustle becomes too much for her. Then she wished she could retreat to a place where she could stay. This wish could soon come true, because a new girls’ dormitory is being built, in which there are smaller sleeping rooms and therefore more privacy. Click here to learn more about this valuable building project.

Y Thoang is also very happy about a common room that will be built soon. In this multifunctional room, all children can eat together, dance in the dry, sing and play, and do their homework.

What is she dreaming about?

Y Thoang has many more wishes and dreams. However, she is not yet sure what she wants to become later. But she still has a few years to make this decision. First of all it is important that she continues to study hard for school. Since Y Thoang knows how important education is for her future, she puts a lot of effort into school.

Unfortunately Y Thoang still does not own a bicycle. Therefore she has to walk one hour every day to – and from – school. This is especially problematic during the rainy season, when Y Thoang often arrives at school soaking wet. Since she only has one school uniform, she cannot even change her wet and cold clothes. If you would like to improve these conditions, you can donate a good and sustainable bicycle for 45 Euros.

However, the best way to help A Thoang is to become her personal sponsor. With only 93 cents a day you support her financially while growing up and enabling her to pursue her dreams.

i would like to sponsor Y Thoang:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse