Y Sung

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2007

Age: 14 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Teacher

Needs: Bike

Y Sung grew up in impoverished circumstances. Sadly, her mother fell ill with cancer. Since she does not know how long she has to live, she decided with a heavy heart to bring Y Sung to Teresa’s orphanage in Kon Tum. This happened not long ago, and Y Sung still has to get used to her new home.

But she was warmly welcomed into the big LittleBigDreams family and has already found some friends with whom she mostly plays and dances in her spare time. When Y Sung is not playing with the other children, Y Sung helps Teresa plant the big home garden and feed the chickens and pigs. She is thrilled to see how fast the plants grow until Teresa’s sister uses them for the children’s meals. Click here to learn more about this great project that promotes the independence of the orphanage.

Y Sung dreams of working as a teacher one day. But there is still a long way to go until then, starting with the one-hour walk to school. Unfortunately, Y Sung does not yet own a bicycle and therefore has to walk the long way to school every day. This is especially problematic during the rainy season when Y Sung often arrives at school soaking wet and cannot even change her wet clothes because she only has a school uniform. If you want to help to improve this situation a little bit, you can donate a good, sustainable bike for only 45 Euro.

Unfortunately, Y Sung has been getting fever lately. To receive the necessary medical treatment, it is more important than ever that she finds a sponsor. For only 93 cents a day, you can personally sponsor Y Sung and help her grow up without financial worries and pursue her dreams.

i would like to sponsor Y Sung:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse