Y Nam

Birthday: 2008

Age: 13 years old

Gender: Girl


Needs: Bike, Schoolbooks


Y Nam´s story

Sadly, Y Nam’s mother died when she was just a baby. Since then, she has lived with her grandmother. But now her grandmother is too old to take care of her anymore. So she decided, with a heavy heart, to bring her granddaughter to Teresa in the orphanage. In the beginning, Y Nam was very sad that she could not live with her grandmother anymore, but in the meantime, she got more and more used to the vivid life in the orphanage. Y Nam gets along very well with all the other children and loves to play with them in the orphanage’s big garden.

How does she prefer to spend her free time?

Like many of the other children, she especially loves to dance and sing. As there is no room for playing yet, which is protected from rain, Y Nam is especially looking forward to the multifunctional space. Because there she finally has the possibility to write songs, sing, and dance together with the other children during the heavy rainy months. Click here to learn more about this great room. Besides this new common room, Y Nam is also very excited about the construction of the new girls’ dormitory. There all girls have their own bed and space to store their clothes and belongings properly. She’s especially happy to have more privacy to escape the hustle and bustle of the big LittleBigDreams family.

What is she dreaming about?

Y Nam has many dreams for her future, but she’s not sure what she wants to be. She still has a few years to make this decision. First of all, she needs to graduate from high school. Y Nam is a diligent student and is very happy that school has finally started again after the summer break. But she is still missing some school materials which are necessary to follow the lessons in an optimal way. These include, for example, a calculator and a rucksack. If you want to give Y Nam a great pleasure, you can donate a set of educational materials for 80 Euro or a backpack for only 15 Euro.

The best way to support Y Nam is to become her personal sponsor. With only 93 cents a day, you can help her grow up without financial worries and pursue her dreams.

i would like to sponsor Y Nam:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse