A Bít

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2011

Age: 11 years old

Gender: Boy

Dream: Become a tailor

Needs: Backpack, hat

Sadly, A Bít lost both his mother and his father. He, therefore, lived with his grandmother until she could not take care of him anymore. She, eventually, brought A Bít to Teresa’s orphanage in Kon Tum. Still, once a year, A Bít makes a trip to visit his grandmother. Unfortunately, A Bít has scabies on his arms and legs a lot. Therefore, we plan to build an infirmary in the future so that sick children can get the necessary medicine and treatment at the orphanage. Further, we hope that the infirmary will contribute to reducing the spread of illnesses among the children. Read here more about this critical project. 

 A Bít dreams of becoming a tailor in the future and hopes to open his own business one day. But for now, he wishes to have a hat and neat backpack (15 Euros) for the long and exhausting way to school. However, the best way you can support A Bít is to become is personal sponsor. Thereby, you financially support him in further pursuing his dreams until he enters an independent life.

i would like to sponsor A Bit:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse