A Tram

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2006

Age: 15 years old

Gender: Boy

Dream: Nurse

Needs: Bike, Schoolbooks

Unfortunately, are A Tram’s parents severely ill. While his father had an accident and thereby injured his leg so badly that he could not work anymore, his mother is always getting sick and thus bedridden. On top of that, his family is impoverished, and can therefore not afford any medical treatment. As a consequence, they had to bring their son with a heavy heart to Teresa’s orphanage.

A Tram just arrived recently at the orphanage. Therefore everything is still new to him, and he still has to get used to all the new faces and his new home. But A Tram seems to feel already comfortable at the orphanage and already made some new friendships. The other children appreciate him especially for his attentive and social nature, because he always makes sure that everyone is doing well.

In his free time, A Tram loves reading books. Therefore, he wishes to have more books available at the orphanage. If you want to help Teresa fulfill his wish, you can donate for only 25 Euros, a LittleBigDreams Set. Please add the note “Books.” You can also support our project of building a education house, which provides the children with the opportunity to study and play in a quieter space protected from the rain and sun. Click here to read more about this essential construction project.

Besides reading, A Tram loves planting flowers, fruit trees, and vegetable plants in the orphanage garden. Hence, he is very excited about the new garden project, which will make a massive contribution to the orphanage’s self-sustainability. A Tram loves helping other people and, therefore, also dreams of becoming a nurse one day. Teresa thinks that this job fits perfectly with his gentle character. Become A Tram’s personal sponsor and support him on his way of growing up. The monthly donation will contribute to giving him the financial security he needs to further pursue his dreams.

i would like to sponsor A Tram:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse