Y Túóng Ly

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2010

Age: 11 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Become a doctor

Needs: Backpack, sun-hat

Y Túóng Ly comes from a small village in the mountains, where her family lives in a tiny bamboo hut. Sadly, her mother passed away when she was just about to turn three years old, and her father was very sick and could, therefore, not take care of her. In her free time, Y Túóng Ly loves playing with the jumping rope and drawing. Her greatest dream is to become a doctor when she grows up so that she can help other people. But for the moment, she wishes to have a backpack and a sun-hat for her way to school. If you want to contribute to fulfilling her dream, you can fill in that you want to buy a backpack and sun-hat for Y Túóng Ly in the donation form of our charity. Another way to support her is to become Y Túóng Ly’s personal sponsor. Having a sponsor means for Y Túóng Ly to have financial security until she enters an independent life and a, hopefully, promising future.

*Update: At the moment Y Túóng Ly is very ill. She has an ulceration on her neck and is in immense pain. Teresa was at the hospital with her, and the doctors have been running tests. Unfortunately, she cannot stay at the hospital due to the corona situation. Therefore, she is supposed to stay home and take her medications. If she is not feeling better after one week, Y Túóng Ly has to undergo surgery. We are hoping that it won’t have to come to that.


i would like to sponsor Y Túóng Ly:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse