Y Sé

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2012

Age: 10 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Become a teacher

Needs: Stuffed animal

Y Sé lives in the orphanage for six years now. Due to health reasons, her parents could not work and therefore had to give their youngest child away. Since then, Y Sé misses having a family and thus longs for more attention and affection. She studies very hard and is always very thorough with her homework because she knows how important school is.  She also dreams of becoming a Vietnamese teacher. Y Sé is reticent but still smiling a lot, and she loves cuddling. For now, her biggest wish is having a doll or a stuffed animal, for instance, a dog. Donate a “LittleBigDreams Set” to contribute to fulfilling Y Sé´s dream of having a stuffed animal. Also, you can sponsor Y Sé and, thereby, support her financially while growing up.

i would like to sponsor Y Sé:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse