Y Nìên

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2012

Age: 9 years old

Gender: Girl

Needs: Special food requirements, medicine, bicycle

Y Nìên was brought to the orphanage as a baby because, sadly, her parents passed away. Since she was extremely tiny when she came to the orphanage, she is still smaller than the other children of the same age. Therefore, the doctor recently recommended that she needs more protein, vitamins, and calcium. A donation to our charity would contribute to making these special food requirements possible. Further, Y Nìên urgently needs a bicycle because, until now, she needs to walk the long way to school, which is very exhausting for her. Consider donating a bike and, thus, help to fulfill her dream of reaching school faster and safer each day. Also, you can sponsor Y Nìên. Thereby, you support her financially until she becomes an independent woman.

i would like to sponsor Y Nìên :

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse