Y Ly Tra

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2007

Age: 14 years old

Gender: Girl

Needs: Calculator, musical instrument

Y Ly Tra’s mother has liver cancer, and her father is bedridden since he had a severe accident. Unfortunately, her parents cannot afford any medical treatment. They could, therefore, also not take care of Y Ly Tra anymore and brought her, as a consequence, to Teresa’s orphanage. 

Y Ly Tra is very tiny for her age. Nonetheless, she is a delighted child that loves singing. That is also why she is eager to learn how to play an instrument. This dream could soon be fulfilled since Teresa’s brother offered to teach music classes at the orphanage. However, until now, there is a lack of space to make such classes possible. A donation to our charity contributes to constructing an appropriate area for making music. 

Furthermore, Y Ly Tra needs urgently a calculator for her math class to keep up with the materials.

The best way to support Y Ly Tra is to become her personal sponsor. Thereby, you support her financially while growing up until she becomes an independent woman.

i would like to sponsor Y Ly Tra:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse