Y Linh

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2000

Age: 21 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Become a tour guide

Needs: tuition fees for her university, special books

Y Linh’s parents got divorced, and sadly, both left her behind. Since nobody else in her family could care for her, her cousin brought her to Teresa’s orphanage. Y Linh already lives in the orphanage for a very long time. By now, she attends university in Kon Tum to study tourism since she dreams about becoming a Tour Guide. Y Linh needs to study only for two more years until graduation. Unfortunately, her tuition fees are 390€ a year; for that reason, she requires a lot of financial aid. Y Linh is fantastic support for Teresa since she assists Teresa by cooking and helping the other kids with their homework. You can donate the tuition fees for a whole university year for Y Linh via our donation packages.

Further, you can sponsor Y Linh and thereby support her financially during this vital time in her life. Having consistent financial aid helps Y Linh while studying and gives her the chance to find a great job in life. That would, in turn, lead her to be finally financially independent.


i would like to sponsor Y Linh :

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse