Y Kina

Yay, I found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2010

Age: 11 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Become a kindergarten teacher

Needs: Medicine, dentist appointment, particular food, doll

Y Kina’s parents passed away when she was still a baby. Therefore, she lived with her uncle until she was one and a half years old. Then, however, her uncle decided to bring her to Teresa’s orphanage in Kon Tum.
At first glance, she seems to be a happy girl. However, Y Kina often feels lonely. She is very sensible and sometimes has terrible stomach pains. Hence, Y Kina needs in those moments, particular food, much care, and attention. Y Kina’s dreams of becoming a kindergarten teacher when she grows up. But at the moment, her greatest wish is to have a doll to play with. You can make a donation with the notification “doll for Y Kina” to contribute to fulfilling her dream. Also, you can sponsor Y Kina and, thereby, support her financially on her way of becoming an independent woman.

I would like to sponsor Y Kina:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse