Y Diêu

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2009

Age: 11 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Become a nurse

Needs: School equipment, memory game

Since Y Diêu’s mother and father passed away, she lived with her grandfather. Sadly, about six years ago, however, he died as well, and Y Diêu came to live at Teresa’s orphanage.
Y Diêu dreams of becoming a nurse in the future since her greatest desire is to help people like her parents and her grandfather. She knows how important her education is to further pursue this dream. Therefore, she really needs school equipment, at the moment, to keep up with the school’s expectations. A donation to our charity contributes to providing all the necessary school materials so that Y Diêu can further pursue her dream of becoming a nurse.

Her biggest wish, right now, is to have the mind-challenging game “memory.” She would love to play it together with her friends at the orphanage. To help us make this wish come true, donate a “LittleBigDream Set” under general donations. It includes only things that the children at the orphanage wish for and dream about.

However, the best way to support Y Diêu is to become her personal sponsor. Thereby, you support her financially while growing up.

i would like to sponsor Y Diêu:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse