Y De

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2011

Age: 10 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Become a teacher

Needs: Special food requirements, medicine, badminton equipment

Since Y De’s mother was very ill, Y De did not get enough milk as a baby and, thus, was extremely tiny. Sadly, also, her father was unable to take care of her. Therefore, she came to Teresa’s orphanage when she still was little. Still, Y De needs more vitamins and calcium than most other children. A donation to our charity contribute to making these special food requirements for Y De possible.

In her free time, she really enjoys playing soccer, singing, and playing with the badminton ball. Unfortunately, the children have neither a badminton net nor rackets. However, Y De and the other kids made up a creative game that involves just the ball. Still, they would be thrilled to have a complete badminton set. You can donate a “LittleBigDreams Set” to help to make this wish come true.

Y De dreams of becoming a teacher in the future because she admires her teacher at school. Hence, she knows that she has to study for her dream diligently. Consider sponsoring Y De. Thereby, you support her financially while growing into an independent woman with a, hopefully, promising future ahead.

i would like to sponsor Y De:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse