Y Chip

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2016

Age: 5 years old

Gender: Girl

Needs: Crayons

Y Chip’s parents grew up at the same orphanage as Teresa. Sadly, Y Chip’s father became mentally ill. Therefore, he was unable to support his family anymore. Desperate, her family gave the two-year-old Y Chip to Teresa’s orphanage in 2019.
Y Chip longs for much attention and affection from Teresa. However, she is a quiet child who loves drawing in her free time. Unfortunately, the orphanage lacks picture books and toys for little children. Consider donating the “LittleBigDreams Set” with a notification “Picture books and little kids toys” and, thereby, contribute to making Y Chip’s childhood a little happier. Moreover, a donation to our charity assists Teresa in creating a beautiful home for all children at the orphanage.

However, the best way to support Y Chip while growing up is to become her personal sponsor. 

i would like to sponsor Y Chip:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse