Y Phuong 

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2015

Age: 6 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Teacher

Needs: Crayons, watercolors


Y Phuong grew up in very poor conditions. Unfortunately, her parents fell ill and could no longer care for their daughter. With a heavy heart, they decided to take Y Phuong to Teresa in the orphanage in Kon Tum. Y Phuong is still too young to understand why she is no longer allowed to live with her family. Sometimes she is sad and misses her parents. And yet Y Phuong seems to have settled in well with the big LittleBigDreams family.

In her spare time, she likes to play with the other children, dance, and sing. In some moments, however, the hustle and bustle become too much for her. Then, she withdraws to paint and dive into her little fantasy world. Since the orphanage has only a very modest supply of painting utensils, Y Phuong wishes for crayons and watercolors. If you would like to help fulfill Y Phuong’s wish, you can donate a LittleBigDreams set for only 25 euros.  This set contains only things that the children in the home dream about – such as balls, painting materials, and books.

We plan to build an educational building where younger children will also have a room where they can play, protected from the rain. Click here to learn more about this important building project and how you can best support it.   

 Besides painting, Y Phuong loves to look over the shoulder of the older children while they do their homework. She is looking forward to the day when she can finally go to school. It is also her dream to work as a teacher and pass on her knowledge to others. But there is still a long way to go until then.

If you would like to support her on this journey, you can take over a personal sponsorship for Y Phuong for only 93 cents per day. By doing so, you help Y Phuong to grow up without financial worries and to continue to pursue her small and big dreams.


i would like to sponsor Y Phuong:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse