Y Na Na

Birthday: 2008

Age: 13 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Nurse

Needs: Bike, school books

Y Na Na is new at Teresa’s orphanage and came to live with Teresa and all the other children after the first corona wave hit Kon Tum, Vietnam. Therefore, Y Na Na still has to get used to her new surroundings and all the children. Fortunately, the children are used to welcoming new faces in their home and are very welcoming and supporting to include Y Na Na in their LittleBigDreams family. Also, Teresa tries her best to give special attention to the new children at the orphanage, which is often tricky since she has to be there for 73 children and organize everything. Therefore, it is especially important for Y Na Na to find a personal sponsor. 

In her free time, Y Na Na likes reading stories because she loves being in her own little fantasy world. You can gift Y Na Na with many more fascinating books by donating the orphanage with a LittleBigDreams Set. Please add the notification “books.” Moreover, Y Na Na wishes to have her own bike. Until now, she has to walk the long and exhausting way to school every day. This is especially problematic during the rainy season because, by the time she reaches school, she is soaking wet. Since Y Na Na owns only one school uniform, she cannot even change her damp clothing. This often leads to children getting sick. By donating an excellent new bike for only 45 Euros, you can contribute to improving that. 

 Y Na Na dreams of becoming a nurse in the future so that she can help and support others in need. If you want to support somebody in need, consider sponsoring Y Na Na. Thereby, you can give her the financial support she needs to pursue her dreams and grow into a strong, independent woman.

i would like to sponsor Y Na Na:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse