Y Mai

Birthday: 2006

Age: 16 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Teacher

Needs: Books


Y Mai´s story

Y Mai Luyến’s family is very poor and her father is unfortunately seriously ill. That is why she could no longer be cared for and was brought to Teresa’s orphanage.

How does he prefer to spend his free time?

In her free time, she is a real bookworm and likes to sink into exciting stories. She is already looking forward to the new education centre with its library, which we want to fill with all kinds of books. She would like to pass on this love of literature later on and dreams of becoming a teacher in a local school.

How can you best support him?

Y Mai’s heart’s desire is to read new and exciting books. So far, the orphanage’s selection is still very small, and Y Mai already knows almost all the stories. If you would like to help us fulfill Y Mai’s wish, you can donate a LittleBigDreams set for just 25 Euros. This set contains only things that the children in the orphanage want from the bottom of their hearts – such as balls, books, and painting utensils.

What does she dream of?

In order to be able to pass on her love of literature later on, Y Mai Luyến dreams of becoming a teacher in one of the surrounding schools.

If you would like to help Y Mai realize this dream one day, you can become her personal sponsor for just 93 cents a day. Through this sponsorship, you will support her while growing up and helping her grow up without financial worries.

i would like to sponsor y mai:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse