The Bakery


There is no bakery near the orphanage, and the residents had to travel to Kon Tum city center to get fresh bread. Also, Teresa had to buy often bread for the children in the supermarket. The demand for fresh bread is very high in the area around the orphanage. A friend of Teresa’s also once had a small bakery and was overwhelmed by the demand there.

What was the dream?

Teresa had long dreamed of having the opportunity to bake homemade bread to promote the independence of the orphanage.


Our goals were:

To build the home’s own bakery and equip it with a bread oven.

🥖 The bakery should contribute to the self-sufficiency of the orphanage and thus, in the long term, lead to the orphanage being able to support itself without external help.

🥖 The teenagers & young adults should get an insight into the work of a baker

🥖 The children can eat fresh bread every morning

🥖 Surpluses are sold to neighbors and acquaintances to create a source of financial income and strengthen the local community.


When was the implementation started?

June 2020

When was the project completed?

September 2020

What have we achieved?

🥖 Construction of a spacious home bakery, with tiled floor.

🥖 Equipped with large metal and stone baking ovens

🥖 Fresh bread is baked every morning.

We are still happy to receive

🥖 Donations for flour

🥖 Breadfruit trees

  • the fruits can, like flour, be processed into bread

A special THANK YOU goes to:

All small and big donors who made it possible for us to realize this dream. Thank you for your great support in this project of the heart. Without you, this dream would have remained only a dream!

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse