Multi Sport Court

Costs: 2.500 €

With the construction of a sports field in the middle of the orphanage, we want to create an attractive center for the children. In addition to a playing field, the sports field will include a large soccer field with goals and an erectable net for other ball sports. The ground will be paved so that both the older and younger children can play and romp safely on the field. 

The orphanage lacks almost all sports equipment. Therefore, additional sports equipment such as badminton rackets, balls, hula-hoops, and skipping ropes will be provided. The aim of the sports ground is to make the children’s free time more enjoyable and active. 

Mädchen beim Fußball spielen im Waisenhaus in Vietnam

Sports offer a vital balance to the daily school and university routine for the young people in the orphanage. Furthermore, sports can contribute to greater self-confidence and personal development. And even the youngest children in the orphanage benefit from the sports field because it gives them numerous opportunities to play and let off steam.

Besides, sport is a meaningful and healthy activity that brings people together. Through sports, new friendships can develop, and existing communities can be strengthened. Sports strengthen personality and teach values such as fair play, team spirit, discipline, and respect. Also, it teaches social skills and supports the mental and motor development of children and young adults. On top of that, sport can create an awareness of sustainable behavior.

I want to sponsor the sport court:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse