A Nhã

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2009

Age: 13 years old

Gender: Boy

Dream: Become a doctor

Needs: Bicycle

Unfortunately, A Nhã’s father is mentally ill, and his mother has a broken arm. On top of that, his family is impoverished. Therefore, they neither can afford their medical treatment nor work to support all of their children. Desperate, they decided to bring A Nhã to Teresa’s orphanage.

In his free time, A Nhã loves playing soccer with the other kids at the orphanage. A Nhã also studies very diligently since he knows how important his education is for his future. He is very ambitious and dreams of becoming a doctor one day.

Also, he urgently needs a bike for the extremely long way to school. Consider donating A Nhã a bicycle (45 Euros) and, thus, facilitate his daily route to school.

However, the best way to support A Nhã is to become his personal sponsor. Having a sponsor means having financial security, which is very valuable for A Nhã on his way to independence.

i would like to sponsor A Nha:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse