A Nguyên

Yay, I found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2010

Age: 12 years old

Gender: Boy

Dream: Become a doctor or a nurse

Needs: Medical check-up, badminton set

A Nguyên’s mother passed away shortly after he was born. His father was mentally ill and started living in the forest with the baby. Therefore, he only gave A Nguyên leaves and other things he found in the woods to eat.

Terribly, his father also physically abused A Nguyên. When people discovered the baby after he had survived little more than a year in the forest, A Nguyên was bruised entirely, malnourished, and had many wounds. Luckily, the villagers brought him to Teresa’s orphanage. Despite what he has been through, A Nguyên is a delighted boy and always laughing. He dreams of becoming a doctor, and if that does not work out, he would like to be a nurse so that he can help people. Your personal sponsorship or donation to our charity can support A Nguyên in having the secure, healthy, and happy childhood he deserves.

i would like to sponsor A Nguyên:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse