A Giang

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2018

Age: 3 years old

Gender: Boy

Needs: Picture books, toys

A Giang is the smallest child at the orphanage. Sadly, his mother had cancer and could, therefore, not take care of him. Besides, his father passed away, while A Giang´s mother was pregnant with him. Desperate, A Giang’s mother, gave him to his uncle. However, his uncle could also not look after him and consequently brought him to Teresa’s orphanage.

The older children in the orphanage love to cuddle, and hold him, and help with taking care of him. Everyone adores A Giang because of his incredible cuteness.
Moreover, the children also started teaching him speaking. Subsequently, he can already babble a few words. Unfortunately, there are nearly no toys and picture books for younger children at the orphanage. Donate a “LittleBigDreams Set” and contribute to ensuring that A Giang has enough books and toys to play with. Also, you can sponsor A Giang and, thereby, support him financially while growing up.


i would like to sponsor A Giang:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse