A Chuyên

Yay, I have a sponsor!

Birthday: 2011

Age: 10 years old

Gender: Boy

Dream: Become a professional soccer player

Needs: Excercise books, pens, calculator, tuition fees

A Chuyên’s father passed away when he was only two years old. Since his mother gets sick very often, she could not provide a regular income. Therefore, she was not able to take care of her son anymore. Desperate, she brought him to Teresa´s orphanage in Kon Tum.

A Chuyên loves playing soccer with the other children and, hence, dreams of becoming a professional soccer player one day. He is a fun and playful boy who sometimes chooses the ball over his schoolwork. But the older kids are a great example and a motivation for him to put effort into studying. Right now, he needs exercise books, pens, and a calculator for his classes to be able to get the grades he needs to build himself a better future. Donate a “Set of Education Materials” and, thereby, contribute to his education.

However, the best way to support A Chuyên is to become his personal sponsor. Thereby, you support him financially while growing up.

i would like to sponsor A Chuyên:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse