A Bi

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2003

Age: 18 years old

Gender: Boy

Needs: Books, pens

A Bi’s is the youngest child in his family. His parents are already very old and, therefore, cannot work anymore. Thus, his family is extremely impoverished. After his parents realized that they could not afford A Bi’s food and tuition fees, they desperately decided to bring him to Teresa’s orphanage.

Despite being separate from his family, A Bi’s dreams are vibrant, and he is interested in a lot of things. He loves playing soccer with the other kids at the orphanage and dreams of a greater future for himself. A donation to our charity contributes to providing a beautiful home for A Bi and all the other children at Teresa’s orphanage. Further, you can sponsor A Bi and, thereby, support him financially on his way to an independent and, hopefully, promising life.

i would like to sponsor A Bi:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse