A Su

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2012

Age: 9 years old

Gender: Boy

Dream: Painter

Needs: Painting equipment, bike, Schoolbooks

A Su´s story

Sadly, A Su’s father passed away when he was only a baby. Moreover, his mother is very sick; hence his family could not take care of him anymore. Therefore, he came to Teresa’s orphanage shortly after the first Coronawave hit Kon Tum, Vietnam. Thus, everything is still very new to him, and he still needs to get used to his new home and all the new faces.

How does he like to spend his free time?

A Su loves playing soccer in the garden, which is a great way to connect with the other children and to build new friendships. However, A Su loves drawing the most. Whenever he can, you will find him drawing pictures. That is why it is no surprise that he dreams of becoming a painter one day. If you want to support A Su’s passion, consider donating a LittleBigDreams Set with the notification “drawing materials.”

What does A Su dream of?

Next to having better drawing equipment, A Su wishes to have his own bike. Until now, he has to walk the one-hour long way to school. This is very exhausting and problematic, especially in the rainy season,  since he arrives at school soaking wet. Even then, he cannot change his damp clothing because he owns only one school uniform. You can gift the orphanage with a set of school uniforms for only 35 Euros. This is very important since the local school obligates the children to have three different school uniforms. By the end of the school year, the uniforms are old and worn out, and new ones are required. For the future, we plan to have sewing machines at the orphanage so that the older children can learn how to sew their own school uniforms.

If you want to support A Su further, then consider donating his tuition fee for one school year (45 Euros) to contribute to his ongoing education.

However, the best way you can support A Su is to be his personal sponsor. With your monthly donations, you give A Su the financial security, he needs to pursue his dreams and passions further.

i would like to sponsor A Su:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse