Y Ly Ta

Yay, I have found a sponsor!

Birthday: 2007

Age: 15 years old

Gender: Girl

Dream: Become a nurse

Needs: School books, other school equipment

Y Ly Ta’s mother passed away from lung cancer when she was still tiny. After her father married again, he struggled financially. Therefore, he brought Y Ly Ta, eventually, to Teresa’s orphanage. Unfortunately, Y Ly Ta has gotten tonsillitis at least once a month for four years now. The charity project that inspired the founding of LittleBigDreams e. V. sponsored her already tonsillectomy surgery last summer. Y Ly Ta is a diligent student and studies really hard to catch up with the missed classwork. In the future, Y Ly Ta dreams of being a nurse to help children that go through experiences similar to hers.

You can donate the medical costs for one child for a year to enable a kid at the orphanage to get the necessary medical care.  Moreover, you can sponsor Y Ly Ta and support her financially on her way to independence. 

i would like to sponsor Y Ly Ta:

IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1500 5499 18



Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse